National Contribution Project
Pursue what matters most to you.
Cohort 1: Spring 2024
Cohort 2: Fall 2024 (information coming soon!)
Spring 2024 applications are now closed.
Cohort 1: Spring 2024
Cohort 2: Fall 2024 (information coming soon!)
Spring 2024 applications are now closed.
The National Contribution Project accepts applications from young people ages 15-25 who are affiliated with our partner organizations and are seeking to make an impact through contribution.
How would you like to contribute to your family, school, neighborhood, and community? We want to hear from you.
We offer $400 to accepted applicants to help you pursue your ideas over the course of seven weeks.
This project is driven by a belief in the power of contribution — for you and those who benefit from your efforts.
Create a podcast that covers emerging issues that are important to your community.
Start an online hair care retailer, marketplace and research center dedicated to people with textured hair.
Create and install birdhouses for native birds in your area.
Create a program to reduce food waste and food insecurity on your school campus.
Buy art supplies to create art that gets donated to local hospitals.
Expand access across your school campus through increased braille signage.
Create a data-tracking tool for agriculture to digitize and revolutionize record keeping for farmers.
Host an event to celebrate first-generation students on your campus.
Share your idea for a contribution in a simple application — just three questions!
You will receive $400 directly to spend on your contribution project throughout the seven week project term.
You are in complete control, independently planning and acting on your project throughout the seven-week project term.
When you’ve completed your contribution project, complete a survey to let us know how your project went, and anything else you want to share.
You can submit your application in ANY format — you decide! Videos, audio, essays, presentations, etc. Choose the format where you are most comfortable and confident!
Your Contribution Project must meet the following criteria:
If you have questions, contact us at
Contributions drive progress. We believe that your contribution projects will become catalysts for impactful innovation and positive change. Projects like yours create ripples that extend beyond the present moment and immediate surroundings.
And, science backs it! Research suggests that engaging in acts of service, innovation, and community-building doesn’t just benefit others; it fuels personal growth, well-being, and purpose.
We support your contribution projects in hopes of creating a brighter, more innovative future for everyone. We believe the world will thrive on your energy and groundbreaking ideas. We can’t wait to see what you do!
Any young person ages 15-25 who is involved with one of our partner organizations
We are excited to bring together a diverse group of partners who are supporting the National Contribution Project, including the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, the Bezos Family Foundation, the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research at Cornell University, GripTape, and Hopelab.