Hopelab’s mission is to advance the mental health and well-being of young people through uncovering knowledge and evidence, investing in innovators, and funding youth-centered solutions.

We envision a future where young people have equitable opportunities to live joyful and purposeful lives.
Equity Advocates
We center equity in all facets of our work and recognize that systems of oppression, like racism, homophobia, transphobia, and wealth inequities, are connected – dismantling them benefits everyone. We passionately work to create more equitable health outcomes for young people from underinvested groups.
Intergenerational Collaborators
We believe that more equitable outcomes for young people require intergenerational partnership and a shift in who holds power. We support co-creation between young people and adults, and the shifting of power toward young people. We believe that nothing should be built for young people without the equitable engagement of young people.
Relationship Builders
Complex systems are made up of interconnected relationships, and we believe that systems change must start with authentic connection. We are connectors, and our work bridges across sectors, disciplines, and perspectives. Our work gains strength from a diverse set of voices and approaches.
Expansive Learners
We develop multi-disciplinary teams to solve complex issues by drawing upon, learning from, and integrating many fields and methods, including rigorous science, psychology, public health, impact investing, design, and the lived experiences of young people and the adults in their lives.
Compassionate Optimists
We are unwavering in our pursuit of a more compassionate, better world now and for generations to come. Joy and hope can feel radical in today’s world; we embrace them to fuel possibility and innovation in service to a more equitable future with concrete outcomes for young people.
Hopelab believes in the undeniable power of young people.
Their vision, joy, and imagination for shaping the world inspire us to consider all the possibilities around us. Their determination to achieve a better future propels our actions. We’re fueled by the belief in their right to thrive.
These beliefs ignite our drive to show up for young people daily – investing in innovations that break the status quo and seeking collaboration in the name of collective growth.
We know that only through community can we realize our shared vision. So, we’re shifting power dynamics to make way for a more just and equitable world for all young people.
At Hopelab, we dedicate ourselves to fostering greater mental health and well-being of young people by investing, convening, and sharing. The uncanny, almost magical spirit in the hearts and minds of today’s young people pushes us to reimagine the fullest vision for a better tomorrow.
Meet Our People
We center youth voice, translate science, and accelerate innovation to improve the mental health of Black, Brown, and Queer young people.