Valentine’s Memories
With Valentine’s Day approaching, it’s easy to mark this as a Hallmark holiday, as nothing to really celebrate, especially if you check the single box. My core memories of Valentine’s Day haunt me from middle school: we made mail slots from tissue boxes (am I dating myself?) and had to buy and write a valentine to everyone in our class. I always had to buy two packs, which seemed wasteful, because the valentine packages only had 24 pieces, and I always had more than 30 kids in my class. Talk about a hand cramp… as a 6th grader, writing 31 valentines to her entire class was quite an undertaking!
Instead of getting “more romantic” as I moved into adolescence, Valentine’s Day just seemed to get more disappointing and awkward. Where were all the secret admirers with candies and roses everyone always talked about?! As I got older, I realized that Valentine’s Day doesn’t actually have to revolve around 31 of your classmates, or a partner, or the hope of an admirer, or even around other people at all. Valentine’s Day is a special day on the calendar that can be utilized for one of my favorite things in the whole world: self-care.