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Photo of Juan Martinez

Juan Martinez


Vice President, Strategic Communications & Policy / Staff

Juan brings nearly 30 years of experience to his role as Vice President of Strategic Communications and Policy at Hopelab. He’s spent decades in leadership roles in different sectors, including journalism, politics, philanthropy, and national and international nonprofits. Prior to joining Hopelab, Juan was Chief Communications and Marketing officer at the Legal Defense Fund (LDF).

While at LDF, Juan built an award-winning Communications Department, including creating the organization’s first Marketing Division, developing a celebrity influencer strategy, and leading a full rebrand of the organization’s name and visual identity. He led and implemented the communications and marketing strategies for the historic leadership transition – only the eighth in LDF’s 83-year history and the first woman-to-woman transition – and the launch of the Marshall-Motley Scholars Program, a $20 million scholarship and professional development investment in future civil rights attorneys committed to serving the South. In addition, Juan developed communication strategies for litigation – including two Supreme Court cases – policy advocacy, research, and fundraising/event production.

As GLSEN’s Chief Communications and Advocacy Officer, Juan led the communications and federal and state policy efforts for the nation’s leading education organization focused on ensuring safe and affirming schools for LGBTQ+ students. In addition to working with Congress and the Obama Administration, Juan led an overhaul of the GLSEN brand, co-produced record-setting fundraising galas, and developed partnerships with Google, YouTube, Facebook, Target, Wells Fargo, Disney/ABC, Levi’s, the NBA/WNBA, Burt’s Bees, and Teleflora.

Juan also served in the administration of former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. As the Governor’s Press Secretary, Juan was the lead spokesperson for the Administration, counseled the Governor on all crisis and media issues, and designed and executed the communications strategy for the $4 billion Massachusetts Works jobs initiative that put 20,000 residents back to work across the state. As Communications Director at the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Juan managed the communications work of 17 state agencies – including the Department of Mental Health and the Department of Youth Services – and the implementation of health care reform, the precursor to the national Affordable Care Act.

A proud graduate of Clarkson University, Juan serves on his alma mater’s Alumni Association National Executive Board. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Hello Future, an international nonprofit providing education and entrepreneurship training and skills to refugee youth in the Middle East.

Content written by Juan Martinez