Focus Area Responsible Technology

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Will AI disrupt our livelihoods? Trisha Prabhu answers this and more in her guest post focused on all things AI.

Multiracial group of teenagers using their cell phones at high school.

Federal and state leaders must take a more nuanced and evidence-based approach to policies that support young people. The window to act is upon us.

illustration of question mark and AI

This study examines generative AI use by race and ethnicity, age, gender, and LGBTQ+ identity and shares a nuanced understanding of how different demographic groups perceive and interact with generative AI technologies.

responsible tech

Applications are now open for $2.5M of grants for youth and intergenerationally-led 501(c)(3) organizations working in the responsible tech space on topics like AI, mental health and well-being, and climate change.

young girl sits on a bed with a laptop

We asked over 1,500 teens what adults should know about their use of AI. These are their answers.

woman holds phone on yellow orange background

Hopelab announces its first cohort of 26 youth and intergenerationally-led organizations advocating for responsible technology.