I recently attended the Promise of Adolescence gathering in Los Angeles. The day focused on how we can support and enhance the lives of young people today, and I was asked to do a PopUp Talk on “what I know.” What emerged was a stream of consciousness that settled itself into a poem.
The Bridge of Co
Not long ago, young people had access to nothing.
Now, they have unprecedented access to everything.
Access to tech
Access to knowledge
Access to Grinder and Tinder
Access to porn
Access to astrology
Access to health information
Access access access
And access to unprecedented stress.
Parent stress
Relationship stress
School stress
Social stress
Financial stress
Poverty stress
Sexual stress
Gender stress
Racial stress
Political stress
Climate stress
What I know is this:
Co-creation, co-design, and co-transformation,
Are the bridge that links the incredible
Know-how and wisdom of those of us who are not young
To the wisdom and power that young people already have.
Turning “access” into something far more powerful.
The fusion of science and design is one
Elegant way to do this.
This is what I know.