Focus Area Mental Health

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This study shows that while social media continues to pose risks, it also plays a beneficial role in supporting the mental health and well-being of young people — especially those from marginalized communities.

Person holding a mint colored mobile phone

A research and engagement workshop with Elevate and Hopelab to better articulate the MoMba maternal mental health app’s value proposition.

Three teen girls pointing at a mobile phone.

Working closely with The Jed Foundation, we worked through a process to author guidelines that would help create campaigns to save more lives.

purple heart with Y, I, B, H in purple letters with purple half circles, pink stars around the background

As we celebrate, support, and seek another cohort of young leaders, Lionel Ramazzini shares the importance of creative solutions and community and how these forces impact his perception of who can heal and how healing can be nourished.

re-mission video game on tablet

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a video-game intervention for improving adherence for adolescents and young adults with malignancies including acute leukemia, lymphoma, and soft-tissue sarcoma.

A group of four young women stand posed on steps wearing jeans and hats

We’re exploring opportunities to deepen the ways we engage youth in our work and across the ecosystem to improve mental health outcomes.

Sonja Lyubomirsky

We invited Hopelab advisor and positive psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky to join us in the office to discuss the architecture of what sustainable happiness might look like.

Social media is fully ingrained in young people’s everyday lives, shaping how they connect, communicate, learn, and interact with the world. Although concerns about the adverse effects of social media on young people are widespread, it is crucial to acknowledge the benefits it can offer as well.

"Health 2.0 12th Annual Fall Conference"

Innovation, design, patient experience- all of these buzz-words have healthcare systems thinking about what and how they can make more intelligent systems. But with innovation comes wind of caution…

Person looking in mirror

There is help. There are resources for those who are struggling with feelings of loneliness, despair, isolation, anger, or hopelessness as well as for those who aren’t struggling but want to help.

Back to School Mental Health Initiative Logo

Hopelab’s Head of Research, Amy Green,advises on the biggest mental health challenges of 2022 for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ youth

Teens protesting

CEO Margaret Laws’ statement on Hopelab’s stance against systemic racism, inequality, and oppression.