Service Studio

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Person holding a mint colored mobile phone

A research and engagement workshop with Elevate and Hopelab to better articulate the MoMba maternal mental health app’s value proposition.

Three teen girls pointing at a mobile phone.

Working closely with The Jed Foundation, we worked through a process to author guidelines that would help create campaigns to save more lives.

Woman holding a baby and kissing its hand.

Over the course of two months, the teams discussed the overall strategy for developing and implementing the tool, landed on a process for choosing the right design and innovation firm for the project, and reviewed and clarified the product’s impact pathway.

Behind the Design: centering relationships in teen vaping cessation.

Blending science and human-centered design presented design challenges with co-creating Quit the Hit. So we centered our process on building relationships and helped teens quit vaping.

three people sit in front of large letters spelling P-E-N-N

Exploring equity-centered design thinking with the Eidos Summer Institute in support of LGBTQ+ health equity.

kid with backpack and headphones

Over the course of two weeks, Hazel Health worked with the Hopelab Studio team to gather insights from young people to inform and improve the product design of Hazel HEART™.

Goal Mama mobile application advertisement

The Goal Mama app helps first-time moms better-set goals, track progress, and celebrate success.

illustration of three people with purple background

Partnering with youth is a critical aspect of creating impactful products, services, and experiences that center on the specific needs and preferences of young people. This guide offers resources, tips, and tools to learn more about co-creation with and for youth.

Pie chart

In May 2020, the Hopelab Studio Team sent a digital survey through national and regional networks of national service providers to assess the digital readiness of organizations and their stakeholders.

imi computer and phone product on rainbow gradient


In partnership with CenterLink

imi supports and helps LGBTQ+ teens explore and affirm their identity and learn practical ways to cope with sexual and gender minority stress in ways that are helpful, relevant, inclusive, and joyful.

Mitra application advertisement

The Mitra App helps foster a new generation of leaders who act with integrity and positively impact their workforces, industries, and communities.

Mood Meter application screen

Based on decades of research from Yale, the Mood Meter app builds emotional intelligence and self awareness for yourself and others.